Trenavar is type of oral non-methylated prohormone also know as Trendione. Chemical name is „estra -4,9,11 -triene -3,17 -dione“. Considered as 10 times more androgenis that testosterone. Trenavars halflife is 6-8 hours. Trenavar is combination of Trenbolone and Anavar. Fast-acting users logged that they were able to see results in 1 week. The only downside is Trenavar can reduce your overall endurance levels. Similar attributes with Trenbolone. Leads to the stimulation of the naturally active trenbolone in the body. Leading to greater vascularity. Faster loss of fat. Bodybuilders also go for Trenavar for its convenience in terms of dosing. Used by bodybuilders during contest prep as well as off season.
Experienced users report that this compound has the ability to pack on extra mass when combined with a low-calorie diet. Trenavar doesn’t convert into estrogen. It is still crucial that you have a proper post cycle therapy or PCT going after cycling with this prohormone to stave off any adverse side effects.


  • Inredible muscle gain level
  • Increased vascularity
  • High muscle focus
  • Does not have estrogenic effects
  • Fat loss

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Take 1 capsule with 250ml water daily. Higher dosage for advanced users should be consulted with your doctor or specialist. Swiss Pharmaceuticals is not responsible for health problems caused by incorrect dosing.